Tent, Tables and Chairs for Hire. - Durban

Friday, 26 October 2018

Item details

City: Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
Offer type: Offer
Price: R 1,400


Contact name Enzo
Phone 0607405819

Item description

100×people water proof and non water proof Stretch Tent =R2000
50×people water proof and non water proof Stretch Tent =R1400
8 piece Couches=R800
5 piece Couches=R500
10 metre Green Carpet=R150
His and Her Chairs=R500
His and Her Table with Table Cake=R300
Chair Cover=R4
Table= 40
Table Cover=R30

COMBO (5×10 water proof and non water proof Stretch Tent )
50 people Tent with 50 chairs=R1450
50 people Tent with 50 chairs and 5 Tables =R1600
50 people Tent with 50 chairs, 5 piece Couches with Green Carpet=R1900
50 people Tent with 50 chairs, 8 piece Couches with green Carpet=R2150

COMBO (7×12 water proof and non water proof Stretch Tent )
100 people Tent with 100 chairs=R2200
100 people Tent with 100 chairs and 5 Tables =R2400
100people Tent with 100 chairs, 5 piece Couches with Green Carpet=R2650
100 people Tent with 100 chairs, 8 piece Couches with green Carpet=R2900

Contact Details
Call: 0743204124/0607405819
whatsApp: 0721108010/0813384405
Email address : khule.mhlophe@gmail.com